Thursday, October 19, 2006

Resource for New Bloggers Who Needs Help

This was what I came across while searching around for help on my Blogs at

Check them out, newbies!

Lastly, go to:

Check This Image - Quality Beats Quantity

I got an interesting email today from my friend Alex.

This is what it says:

You're going to love this.

It made me realize even more how Quality Beats Quantity.

One quality site, one quality blog, one quality product, one quality AD could do better than a thousand and make difference inyour life.

I'm going to make you FEEL this fact with one image.The image is an Ad. What an Ad!

"In a marketing campaign in Vancouver, 3M sought a strong image for their security glass.
They modified a bus shelter and fitted their security glass and filled it with REAL BANKNOTES.
Many have tried to gain access with golf clubs and baseball bats but obviously the glass remains intact!

This is what you call having faith in your own product... "

How to Optimize Your Mind with OptiMINDzation

Stephen Pierce and May Ong

How do we optimize our mind or brain? OptiMINDzation? What is this?

This audio CD contains 'wave-sound' that can alter the brain-wave in your brain, if you use it regularly for the next 30 days.

All I did was put on this audio CD on my desktop, click play listen to it for about 20 minutes daily.

Initially, when I got started, I get slight headaches at the back of my neck. It is as if, my brain is working overtime.

After about a week, I noticed when I read any materials, my brain tends to process information at a faster rate. It is like it can speed read on it own automatically.

At night, when I get sleepless nights, ideas seems to pop-up from nowhere.

I can also remember 'things' I was supposed to complete in the day, in my unconscious mind. When I wake up, I seemed to know that I have to complete that 'task' that day.

Don't believe a word I say. Try it out yourself