Tuesday, December 12, 2006

How to Optimize Websites for Search Engines?

How to optimize your website for search engines?

This is a good question for beginners and amateurs to internet marketing.

"I have been having a website for 6 months and I have been promoting some affiliate products. But I have not been making any sales from this website. I have not done any kind of promotion for this website either. I tried pay-per-click but it was not effective. What shall I do next?"

a. Putting up a website is an easy process. First find a product, think about a name for your domain and purchase this domain name. Next, find a web designer to design the website for you or buy a template and get the web designer to put in all the links.

If its an affiliate product, just get the affiliate code and put this link with your affiliate code in your blog or website to link directly to your affiliate program.

b. Submit your website to all the major search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo. Read their Terms and Conditions as each operate on different algorithmns ie. different rules and regulation. Then wait.

P/S-Make sure you already have content in your website before you submit your site to search engines, at Submit Your Site, in major search engines.

c. Go and analyse your website's statistics via Google Analytics. You can plug in Google generated HTML codes in your website to track these statistic number.

d. You want to check if your pages in your website have been indexed or spidered by any of the search engines, especially Google.

Check them in Google SiteMap/Webmaster Tools.

You will get a report from Google telling you which pages have been indexed and which has not been. Problem may be from no internal links and so on.

e. Next, check for search engine optimization or search engine promotion. This means you are required to promote your website in related product category in directories.

Perform directory submission at this stage and other link building exercises.

Note: This is a long and time-consuming process. You may only see results in page rank from 2 weeks or 3 to 12 months, depending on what type of seo strategies used.

By this time, your website would be regarded as an older site that ranks rather highly, with traffic that runs into thousands daily and sales $$ also drops in daily for you.

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